Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: from the left Prof. Dr. R. Birner, Dr. A. Fadani, Jonathan Steinke, Mareike Aufderheide-Voigts, Steffen A. Schweizer, Dr. I. Greschat
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Award winner Mareike Aufderheide-Voigts
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Award winner Jonathan Steinke
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Award winner Steffen A. Schweizer
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Laudator Prof. Dr. Regina Birner
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Handover of the certificate to award winner Mareike Aufderheide-Voigts
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Handover of the certificate to award winner Jonathan Steinke
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2016: Handover of the certificate to award winner Steffen A. Schweizer
Award winners 2016
Mareike Aufderheide-Voigts
University of Kassel-Witzenhausen, 2015
“Reproductive performance and modelled herd development of cattle kept by Borana pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia”
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Jonathan Steinke
Humboldt-University of Berlin, 2015
"Citizen Science with Resource-poor Farmers as a new Approach to Climate Adaptation and Food Security: Evidence from Honduras”
► Summary as View-PDF
Steffen A. Schweizer
University of Hohenheim, 2015
"Evaluation of soil physical properties under long-term organic and conventional agricultural systems in Central India”
► Summary as View-PDF
The prize was presented on September 19, 2016 at the Tropentag at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. The award winners received Euro 2,500 each for their master thesis, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The announcement of the terms of application for 2024 will be published in October 2023.
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