Science Award 2018: from the left Prof. Dr. M. Qaim, Dr. Ariane Krause, Prof. Dr. M. Becker, Dr. Denise Matias, Dr. A. Fadani, Prof. Dr. E. Schlecht, Dr. Christian Andres
Science Award 2018: Certificates and medals
Science Award 2018: Award winners
Science Award 2018: Award winner Dr. Denise Matias
Science Award 2018: Award winner Dr. Christian Andres
Science Award 2018: Award winner Dr. Ariane Krause
Science Award 2018: Laudator Prof. Dr. Eva Schlecht (Jury)
Science Award 2018: Handover of the certificate to award winner Dr. Denise Matias
Science Award 2018: Handover of the certificate to award winner Dr. Ariane Krause
Science Award 2018: Handover of the certificate to award winner Dr. Christian Andres
Science Award 2018: Award winner Dr. Denise Matias
Science Award 2018: Award winner Dr. Ariane Krause
Science Award 2018: Award winner Dr. Christian Andres
Award winners 2018
Dr. Denise Margaret Santos Matias
University of Bonn / ZEF Bonn, 2017
“Sustainability of community forestry enterprises: indigenous wild honey gathering in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve Palawan, Philippines”
► Summary as View-PDF
Dr. Ariane Krause
TU Berlin, 2017
"Valuing Wastes – An Integrated System Analysis of Bioenergy, Ecological Sanitation, and Soil Fertility Management in Smallholder Farming in Karagwe, Tanzania”
► Summary as View-PDF
Dr. Christian Andres
ETH Zurich, 2018
“Transdisciplinary systems research to reduce the cocoa swollen shoot virus disease in Ghana“
► Summary as View-PDF
The prize was awarded on September 17, 2018 at the Tropentag at the University of Ghent, Belgium. The award winners received Euro 10,000 each for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2024 will be published in October 2023.
► Announcement 2024 (Ansichts-PDF)► Contact: