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Science Award 2016: from the left Dr. I. Greschat, Dr. Willmar Leiser, Prof. Dr. M. Becker, Dr. Sabine Liebenehm, Dr. A. Fadani , Dr. Saiful Islam, Prof. Dr. E. Schlecht
Science Award 2016: Award winner Dr. Sabine Liebenehm
Science Award 2016: Award winner Dr. Willmar Leiser
Science Award 2016: Award winner Dr. Saiful Islam
Science Award 2016: Laudator Prof. Dr. Eva Schlecht (Jury)
Science Award 2016: Laudator Prof. Dr. Mathias Becker (Jury)
Science Award 2016: Handover of the certificate to award winner Dr. Sabine Liebenehm
Science Award 2016: Handover of the certificate to award winner Dr. Willmar Leiser
Science Award 2016: Handover of the certificate to award winner Dr. Saiful Islam
Science Award 2016: from the left Prof. Dr. E. Schlecht, Dr. A. Fadani, Dr. Willmar Leiser, Dr. Sabine Liebenehm, Prof. Dr. M. Becker, Dr. Saiful Islam, Dr. I. Greschat

Award winners 2016

Dr. Sabine Liebenehm
Leibniz University of Hanover, 2015
“New Insights from Behavioral Economics in Developing Countries”
► Summary as View-PDF

Dr. Willmar Leiser
University of Hohenheim, 2014
"Sorghum Breeding Strategies for Phosphorus – Limited Environments in Western Africa: From Field to Genome Level”
► Summary as View-PDF

Dr. Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam
University of Bonn/ZEF, 2015
“Impact of Technological Innovation on the Poor – Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture in Bangladesh“
► Summary as View-PDF

The prize was awarded on September 19, 2016 at the Tropentag at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. The award winners received Euro 10,000 each for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.


The next announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2026 will be published in October 2025.

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