Supported Dissertations in Latin America
Hermann Eiselen Ph.D. Program
A total of 14 dissertations were supported in Latin America.
For field research in Argentina a total of 1 dissertation was supported:
- Kurtz, Ditmar Bernado, Management of excess standing biomass in Argentinean grasslands to increase grass and livestock productivity., 2016 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Brasil a total of 2 dissertations were supported:
- Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia, Applying Disaster Risk Governance in Dynamic Environments. Case study Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
- Gil, Juliana Dias Bernardes, Land Use Change, Agricultural Intensification and Low- Carbon Agricultural Practices in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2016 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Columbia a total of 4 dissertations were supported:
- Canon, Cesar, The hidden risk of conventional floodplain mapping. Diagnosis in Cali, Colombia, 2022 Summary as View-PDF
- Burbano-Figueroa, Oscar, Yield, productivity and technical gaps that limit the cotton agricultural production system in the Colombian Caribbean, 2022 Summary as View-PDF
- Corredor, Bibiana Betancur , Agroforestry as a post-mining land-use approach for waste deposits in alluvial gold mining areas of Colombia , 2018 Summary as View-PDF
- Grüzmacher, Monica, Understanding ecological change through palm use and management, 2014 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Cuba a total of 1 dissertation was supported:
- Alfonso, Galia Figueroa, Soviet tractors vs. oxen. Agroecology, agricultural policies and political discourse in Cuba, 2021 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Ecuador a total of 1 dissertation was supported:
- Alvear, José Estuardo Jara , GIS-based sustainability assessment of decentralized rural electrification in the Amazon region - Case study Ecuador , 2017 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in El Salvador a total of 1 dissertation was supported:
- Temitope Alex, Aloba, Effects of ensiling conditions on the nutritional quality of forage legumes and their impacts on rumen fermentation and nutrient utilization by cattle, 2023 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Mexico a total of 2 dissertations were supported:
- Barajas, Elena Mendoza, Dedicated Innovation Systems for Local Sustainability Transformations in the Global South, 2022 Summary as View-PDF
- Viveros Añorve, José Luis, The Opportunity Cost of Financing Oportunidades. A General Equilibrium Assessment for Poverty Reduction in Mexico, 2015 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Paraguay a total of 1 dissertation was supported:
- Glauser, Marcos, Angaité’s Responses to Deforestation - Political ecology of the livelihood and land use strategies of an indigenous community from the Paraguayan Chaco, 2019 Summary as View-PDF
For field research in Peru a total of 1 dissertation was supported:
- Quispe Zúñiga, Melissa Roxana , Mining and small-scale farming in the Andes: Socioenvironmental roots of land-use conflict, 2020 Summary as View-PDF
Here are the two Ph. D.-programs in the area of food security and rural poverty alleviation:
► Doctoral Program at Center for Development Research (ZEF); University of Bonn, Germany
► Doctoral Program at the Food Security Center (FSC), University of Hohenheim
- ► Africa
- ► Asia
- ► Latinamerica
- ► Animal husbandry and food security
- ► Biodiversity and food security
- ► Climate change and food security
- ► Diets, hidden hunger and food habits
- ► Energy and food security
- ► Environmental issues and food security
- ► Institutions and food security
- ► Land use and food security
- ► Political issues and food security
- ► Sustainable agriculture and food security
- ► Water and food security