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Science Award 1988: from the left award winner Dr. Joachim von Braun, award winner Dr. Andrea Bahm, Dr. Hermann Eiselen, award winner Dr. Sabine Giercke-Sygusch, Prof. Dr. Franz Heidhues (Jury)

Award winners 1988

Dr. Joachim von Braun
University of Goettingen, 1987
„Technischer Fortschritt und Kommerzialisierung der Reisproduktion an einem westafrikanischen Standort: Auswirkungen auf Produktion, Konsum und Ernährungslage (Technical progress and commercialization of rice production at a West African location: impact on production, consumption and nutrition)“
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Dr. Andrea Bahm
University of Hohenheim, 1987
„Ökonomik arbeitsteiliger Rindermast in Westafrika (Economics of cattle fattening in West Africa“
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Dr. Sabine Giercke-Sygusch
University of Goettingen 1987
„Untersuchungen zur Erstellung eines Atlas anaerober Bakterien (Studies on the creation of an atlas of anaerobic bacteria)“
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The prize was awarded by the Eiselen Foundation on June 24, 1988 during the Dies academicus at the University of Hohenheim. The award winner Dr. von Braun received DM 10,000 and the two other award winners Dr. Bahm and Dr. Giercke-Sygusch each received DM 7,500 for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.


The next announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2026 will be published in October 2025.

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