Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: from the left Jasmin Häring (Representing Volker Häring), Dr. A. Fadani, Sabine Liebenehm, Prof. Dr. U. Grote, Anne Rysavy, Prof. Dr. J. Sauerborn, Prof. Dr. C. Bonte-Friedheim
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: Award winner Sabine Liebenehm
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: Award winner Anne Rysavy
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: Laudatio Prof. Dr. C. Bonte-Friedheim (Jury)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: Handover of the certificate by Dr. A. Fadani to award winner Sabine Liebenehm
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: Handover of the certificate by Dr. A. Fadani to award winner Anne Rysavy
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: Handover of the certificate by Dr. A. Fadani to Jasmin Häring (Representing award winner Volker Häring)
Ruthenberg-Graduate-Award 2009: from the left Jasmin Häring (Representing award winner Volker Häring), award winner Sabine Liebenehm, award winner Anne Rysavy
Award winners 2009
Sabine Liebenehm
University of Hanover, 2008
“Economic Impact of Livestock Research on Farmers’ Knowledge and Productivity – The Case of Trypanosomosis in West Africa”
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Anne Rysavy
University of Hohenheim, 2008
“GIS based Gap Analysis as a Tool for Biodiversity Conservation Optimization: The IITA Cowpea Collection”
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Volker Häring
University of Tuebingen, 2008
“Nachhaltigkeit der Landnutzung in einem tropischen Berglandgebiet in der Son La Provinz, Vietnam (Sustainability of land use in a tropical mountainous area in Son La Province, Vietnam)“
► Summary as View-PDF
The prize was presented on October 6, 2009 at the Tropentag at the University of Hamburg by the Eiselen Foundation. The award winners received Euro 2,500 each for their master thesis, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The annoucement of the terms of application for 2024 will be published in October 2023.
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