Award winners 1996
Dr. Bettina Hedden-Dunkhorst
University of Hohenheim, 1993
“The Contribution of Sorghum and Millet versus Maize to Food-Security in Semi-Arid Zimbabwe“
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Dr. Abbasher Awad Abbasher
University of Hohenheim, 1994
„Mikroorganismen an Striga hermonthica und Möglichkeiten ihrer Verwendung zur biologischen Bekämpfung (Microorganisms at Striga hermonthica and possibilities of their use for biological control)“
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Dr. Thomas O. Jenisch
University of Giessen, 1994
„Pastorale Nutzungsmechanismen und nahinfrarot-reflexionsspektroskopisch ermittelte Qualität der Futterressourcen im Department Atacora/Benin unter dem Aspekt des Landschafts- und Ressourcenschutzes (Pastoral utilization mechanisms and near-infrared reflection-spectroscopically determined quality of the feed resources in the department Atacora/Benin from the point of view of landscape and resource protection)“
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The prize was awarded on December 1, 1994 by the Eiselen Foundation at the Tropentag at the University of Hohenheim. The award winners received DM 10,000 each for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The next announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2026 will be published in October 2025.
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