Award winners 1990
Dr. Serge-Arno Klümper
University of Heidelberg, 1989
„Ernährungspolitik in Indonesien - Empirische Sektoranalyse auf der Basis ökonometrischer Nachfrage- und Angebotssysteme (Nutritional Policy in Indonesia - Empirical sector analysis based on econometric demand and supply systems)“
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Dr. Josef Ernstberger
Technical University of Munich, 1988
„Wohlfahrtseffekte der Entwicklung und Einführung neuer Reissorten in Brasilien (Welfare effects of the development and introduction of new rice varieties in Brazil)“
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Dr. Chrysille Seré
University of Hohenheim, 1988
„Teichwirtschaft als Betriebszweig in der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft Kolumbiens (Pond farming as a business activity in the small-scale agriculture of Colombia)“
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Dr. Hans-Joachim Fuchs
University of Mainz 1988
„Ecological Impacts on Tea Production in Sri Lanka“
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The prize was awarded by the Eiselen Foundation at the University of Hohenheim on June 2, 1990. Dr. Klümper received DM 10,000 and the other prize-winners Dr. Seré, Dr. Fuchs and Dr. Ernstberger each received DM 5,000 for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.
The announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2024 will be published in October 2023.
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