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Science Award 1986: from the left Prof. Dr. Wolfram Achtnich, Prof. Dr. Franz Heidhues, award winner Dr. Karl-Heinz Beißner, award winner Dr. Karl Schleich, Dr. Hermann Eiselen, Mrs. and Mr. Becker respresenting the award winner Dr. Barbara Becker and Mr. Meier representing the award winner Dr. Heinrich Becker
Science Award 1986: Dr. Hermann Eiselen presenting the award
Science Award 1986: Handover of the certificate by Dr. Hermann Eiselen to award winner Dr. Karl Schleich
Science Award 1986: Handover of the certificate by Dr. Hermann Eiselen to award winner Dr. Karl-Heinz Beißner
Science Award 1986: Handover of the certificate by Dr. Hermann Eiselen to Mrs. and Mr. Becker respresenting the award winner Dr. Barbara Becker
Science Award 1986: Handover of the certificate by Dr. Hermann Eiselen to Mr. Meier representing the award winner Dr. Heinrich Becker

Award winners 1986

Dr. Barbara Becker
University of Goettingen, 1984
„Wildpflanzen in der Ernährung der Bevölkerung afrikanischer Trockengebiete: Drei Fallstudien aus Kenia und Senegal (Wild plants in the diet of the population of African dry areas: Three case studies from Kenya and Senegal)“
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Dr. Heinrich Becker
Federal Research Center Braunschweig-Völkenrode, 1985
„Verminderung von Ernährungskrisen durch den Aufbau innovativer Organisationen in traditionellen Agrargesellschaften Afrikas südlich der Sahara (Reducing nutritional crises by building innovative organizations in traditional sub-Saharan African agricultural societies)“
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Dr. Karl-Heinz Beißner
University of Giessen, 1986
„Nahrungsmittelhilfe - Ziele, Wirkungen, Evaluierungsmöglichkeiten (Food aid - objectives, impacts, evaluation possibilities)“
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Dr. Karl Schleich
University of Giessen, 1985
„Beitrag der bäuerlichen Rinderhaltung zur ländlichen Entwicklung im Norden der Elfenbeinküste (Contribution of cattle keeping to rural development in the north of the Ivory Coast“
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The prize was awarded on May 28, 1986 by the Eiselen Foundation at the University of Hohenheim. The award winners received DM 10,000 each for their scientific work, which is a recognizable contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation in developing countries.


The next announcement of the terms of applications for the Science-Award 2026 will be published in October 2025.

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